Saturday, January 22, 2011

Leigh D Xtrem Curves Peachy

NEDS, Peter Mullan: PORTRAIT OF ADOLESCENCE - desendulzada childhood, the "elephant in the room", new social elements for a film ...

The end of "Neds" have a magical beauty, with that sequence shot of two figures entering the plane and away, reminiscent of scenes end of classic cinema - "The Third Man" and many others ...-, take life as one of those huge boxes Gustave Courbet (see Figure 1) , with that golden light in which never seem to have a human presence, and two characters into it, in that contemplation that stillness, that order of things, including the inherent danger, inside: in the clearing in the forest there is a pride of lions and see them just to give the environment a fairytale character. A fable without a moral ... It is the only poetic image of the entire film, which, in contrastra with active violence before, has that record of extreme fiction, like something out of a dream like that sort of magical realism that suited him so well to "A prophet " of Jacques Audiard ... And it's funny: I'm realizing that not only for this particular style, and as just a film is essential to their organization, but above However, the progression of principial character, his complete transformation, its absolute deterioration, which thus seeks to narrate .. share common elements: tone frame, etc. (Although in the French case all be more categorical and more cinematic). And so and there ends the film with these two girls through this strange meadow with lions, lying peacefully. An aim is a reconciliation with his own violence, a violence domesticated by greater violence. Final strangely epic, which of the many readings that could be given, the first that comes to me and convinces me most would be for the character of these beasts is not Nigun threat because they have been brutalized and asalvajado while surrounded by his peers, or is even stronger. More ambiguous is where has all this security, this gesture, the horizon of the landscape ..
Just next to this scene, the credits, which seem made by Gilliam Wearing (if they really have not done it), an artist who has always interested me much, known mostly for the pictures of people on the street holding posters with everyday phrases, as if what they are thinking (see Figure 2) . For "NEDS" are photos of the cast in full, one by one, each one of their names, mostly young actors to create the likelihood of this social drama of gangs and perifierias ... And, taking into account the Wearing videos of children talking dubbed by adults confessing indecency or atrocities, no doubt, the strongest part of their work-the resemblance to Mullan does not seem to happen, but rather agrees all that disillusionment and corruption of childhood and adolescence, early corrupted. But anyway I acknowledge that these references are "training" and that, in my subjectivity, provide the film with a special atmosphere but only in its final, references not seem to empathize or affect the rest of the film. not so much the problem but by the harsh, unfiltered representation of violence, the hardest scenes of "NEDS" also reminded that great short Achero Mañas: "Hunters" and the peculiar relationship established between children and violence (You can see the end of post) .
Anyway, "Neds" , abalada critically-took the Golden Shell at San Sebastian Festival in its latest edition, there seems to be seduced too the public, I have the impression that the judge a film more social history of violence that is born in a working class neighborhoods in cities of the industrial past, ghettos that have been submerged in the marginalization, social exclusion and employment, the lack of education, own circumstances without prospects and resources that often lead to criminal acts and a normalization of violence. etc. And it's true: they may not contribute much, but is part of the film necessary, present the stories of local / universal. This time has been the focus of Glasgow -just got back from Liverpool, a city with a very similar social reality, and attest that it is almost understandable, and offers a portrait of the United Kingdom more marginal, a teenager on the brink of the abyss that is a possible reading, so real, what should be happening. In fact, we must not forget that the film is called "NEDS" and these are the initials of a speech and made "Non-Educated deliquents" , which seems to be directly equivalent to our " NI-NI "(neither in school nor working), these kids disoriented, unmotivated, lost, with many papers end up being conflicting. A class that was born, raised and probably played throughout Europe, if not a universal phenomenon "all around the world" (I'm afraid that yes it is ..). although each has its peculiarities.
Although probably come to that Mullan is that violence is gratuitous and irreversible, in the case of NEDS is a specific event that triggers the mechanism of violence, as a perfect domino effect.

John: good son, a student copy of the church altar boy ... get after graduation party the threat of a boy, who threatens to beat up daily as you enter high school, because he does not like nerds like him. Frightened and violated, this exemplary child "the child of his mother sojos" , goes looking for his older brother to tell of what happened and if you can not find it does give the message, the name, a colleague, Well, the next scene running-gear is violence, that allows us to understand / know by default what kind of person is your brother and what makes him so respected is his older brother John looking out the window at her brother and the colleague have caught that has threatened and are torturing him with a bottle attached to his head and give you the opportunity to be executioner. Decides not to be.

is true that all would have done almost anything to protect and save the skin of our little brothers, "I remember once I went down myself to reassure two assholes who wanted to disturb my brother, so it is always aggressive but there are two types of circumstances, ways of resolving these problems: the good and bad: as part of the violence itself, with a threat, counter attack, revenge, provocation, or putting brake reasonable.
Basically all this story, whose protagonist is the marginalization, in any of their faces, are contemporary dramas apapter classic Shakespearean court : honor, pride, reputation, possession ... some of them have had as a trigger racial strife, class: we could go back to "Wests side story", and take a tour through "Outsiders," "The Rumble" , both of Coppola or other examples as "Quadrophenia" , which has more to do with the power struggle between urban tribes: mods vs rockers, or "American History X" , skinheads wanting to clear the city of blacks in a heroic act 100% xenophobic. And so .. could be extended to many other dark chapters in history where someone stalker calls himself of his own-no-noble causes.

Perhaps what you fail to "Neds" and therefore produce more empathy not only for three reasons:
1. That already existing works of great quality on the same topic: For example, the French model of this violent society without Atismar recovery was already on the screen very well reflected in "Le haine" / Hatred, Mathieu Kassovitz of film, no name I'll be fed on this blog, with these scenes gnawed sofa roof, which
spent this post ; And-model English and also had a very good reference, signed by Ken Loach , one of its greatest voices, "Sweet Sixteen", which I have really wanted, as a result of this filmography "of seeing. Or the film of the Dardenne ("Rosetta" , either), to represent a cinema full of voice and the freshness and accuracy in the Belgian model, etc. Or the already mentioned case of "A prophet" of Jacques Audiard;
2. "NEDS" has a very different treatment, depending on what scenes might seem directed by different people. This, for example, by the proximity to the characters, the tempo and that sort of humanity of the camera, has a style Gus Van Sant:
scene that seems to fit with all this first part with a pseudo-documentary record, or internal explosion occurs in the second that leads to even psychedelic, almost Bunuel / MonthyPytoniana -yes, I mean the scene of Jesus. The coexistence of all these disparate styles is somewhat disturbing generally for the viewer to the course of history ....
3. John McGill teenager, played by Connor McCarrron, happens to be one of the most unpleasant peroanjs recent times, because once produced the transformation angel / demon, do not appear in any doubt when their atrocities or show any kind of humanity, compassion or love for anyone, as if from the same Norman Bathes. Cool, provocative, ironic, no codes of any kind, even willing to humiliate your friends ... In contrast, the younger sister who never grows up, fitting failure too amateurish for a filmmaker, allegorical dramatic element that represents the an amalgam childhood, the innocence and goodness frozen in time, as the effect of video to maintain a fixed element.

In contrast, highlight the aspects that for me Peter Mullan, actor (and veteran Loach familiar face) before director, is right:
1. How seamlessly controls the direction of multiple actors in a story, almost choral, could have been interesting combined. Great 's cameo as a teacher Gary Lewis the institute and the scene where John goes to a horse, one of the most personal and ironic, that could have changed the course of events ...
2. Very well resolved few moments and plot twists. Add to this picture Peter Mullan a veracity and credibility to a very interesting aspect: the parents ignorance of what happens, the strange elephant in the room he was referring to Alan Clarke - "Elephant" , v.1989, impressive work without frills, a national and an Irish situation, "violence seated to tea as one of a family, these little monsters, beasts salavajes growing across the wall and that their parents believe they have not hurt a fly. In this regard, one of the, in my opinion, the brighter scenes "NEDS" is where the protagonist flees from the gang that will give you a beating and take advantage of a woman enters his house slip and escape. It produces a certain complicity between them because she, with a maternal instinct, but seems to live alone, it claims to have invaded their space that way and at the same time glad to have helped prevent another act of violence, when it's cherry the scene: his son home, which happens to be one that would have broken head, and having to pretend he did not know, and stand in front of the public enemy, a fight of his mother, who tells him that from now on I want at this hour at home, that much vandalism the streets, ... That is, the mother is guilty of incautious to the absolute limits because he never seems to see that your child is an advocate of violence.
is not the only case, there are many details and moments that allude to what they think parents, who move from neighborhood to get together with not "naughty" . In the case of the mother of John, the protagonist, even without a pervert, and his brother, who gives a gap in that gang or organization which, as we all do in our youth-is model to imitate, it is conscious, have a certain height even decides to act tough, not without disappointment, but there is a strange, almost contradictory shock ( I think that confuses or diverts narrative) to the very violence that lives inside the house of her husband, a proletarian-alcoholic of course, what actorazo! - every night sticks down and bawling for assaulting her. Again the elephant sitting on the couch and no one speaks, that sweep the problems home and outside all doors for good.
Here's the short of Achero Mañas "Hunters" as Gilliam Wearing, with pre-brief interview, which appears recpoger this time that the glue that protected the perverted world's children violent and cruel out there , and what all that was inside was lost, like a child who sees his silkworm turn into butterflies and fly away, that bitterness, that disappointment ... . Enjoy it.

And, alluding to the invasion of private space, how violence no knocks, archinombrado this excerpt from "Elephant" . And who cares about the subject, if you read this post I wrote long ago, about yourselves you and mechanisms of violence : / state-of-violence-1-parte.html


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