Tuesday, March 15, 2011

Draft Letter Of Mobile Phone Disconnection

"Heroin" YESTERDAY AND TODAY-> ) ... 'Marilyn, Pipilotti and lots of other girls NO' (exhibition at the Museum Thyssen Foundation CajaMadrid)

I've finally seen the preciousness of exposure (as long as join Fundación Caja Madrid and the Museo Thyssen ) announced to those precise close-ups of some of the " Heroines " the city with banners , heroines History, Art-and half- Mythology has been giving us.
starting exposure in attitude and key tribute on March 8, International Day of Working Women , and what better way to delight the eyes, these beautiful images, full of magnetism on a leitmotiv that generates so many 'female models' interesting, atypical for a moment as if we were sticking to us a window into a bedroom would unexposed History of Art, another image of women ... This time it is the muse, object of contemplation and, by extension, of desire, but heroin on his own strength. Both classic and contemporary, pictured with their instincts, their inner world, with the magnetism of a painting by Hopper . There's something about them, tremendously alive. A tour ends with two powerful visually, which compartmentalize this particular view of women: images of classic, dating back four centuries ago, paints yet seem to have some frames of a film, its narrative The expressiveness of the frame, etc. that in some cases self-portrait and, therefore, reinforcement; Second, contemporary images, photographs that recreate today such pictorial space yesterday, revising, reloaders meaning, and in which the woman is the essential as well as the motive, the total leitmotif "is that creates the image, which is ahead and behind.
And in that sense and in that amalgamation, the exhibition also includes some video, and live demonstration of heroin in action, which is great because, finally, a chance encounter, I longed for an eternity trying to do it, talking about Pipilotti Rist ! Which is probably one of my favorite artists, and that plasticity and visual universe, so well complemented by the use of body, of its meaning ... a true performer . That, like the rest of their contemporaries, change the directions of the clockwise breaks conventions, roles, icon, or handled with skill and a critical sense, since Art is partly responsible for the images that -provided and consumed, and carry implicit information. A Pipilotti already gave him, made 8 years, a wonderful retrospective at the Reina Sofía: those who were lucky enough to see we still have permeated this "Wicked Games" whispering sweet tune, accompanied by the tremendous charm of hypnotic underwater images. Here you can listen, is a delight:

back to "heroines", the female heroic acts and poses in the exhibition are divided into subjective categories, attitudes, roles (which can take a chronological journey but not mood, of 'state action' ) 1.Solar, 2.Cariátides, 3.Ménades, 4.Atletas, 5.Acorazadas and Amazons, 6.Magas, 7.Mártires, 8.Místicas, 9.Lectoras and 10.Pintoras.
precisely into the category of 'reading', which often very beautiful, "someone gestures when reading, absorbed, "would make an observation or I missed a picture that would have been in my opinion a great success, full of power and beauty: the photo of Marilyn reading" Ulysses " of Joyce . A superhero in action with that gesture, gesture that would probably not at all intended to provoke, but unbalancing or contradicts the expectations generated by its image, what society, the myth and the icon that became established that rightful star, the attitude, the 'drive' and gesture. This is part of his true self, your inner space, your inner self, side B, the reverse shot, the answer to his life as a myth. A daily picture, quiet and sincere, a Marilyn Monroe sex intellectual and not stripped of its own share of (being) an object of desire, sensitive, writing poems, which have recently been finally published ... A myth by which I feel quite weak, which is actually my favorite, "to which I hope to dedicate a project that has to do with the aura and the circumstances of living under the roof and the four walls of a myth. A project that took almost a couple of years running around, I hope to be enough for doing heroin.


The fact is that, over the centuries that goes, there is something common in all images that do form part of the exhibition, a survey by the heroic in all its manifestations: heroes in action, passion and passivity. Affinity. Absolutely amazing image of Santa Eulalia , lying dead under the snow. Still pictures dedicated to those gestures absolute desire and the ability to levitate, to see something that happens elsewhere, to remain absorbed in something like freezing time. It is curious that the first and the new heroines they look so similar. Sheer dresses, predominance of blue and green, or heavy, black, velvet interior nooks and open spaces with a certain quality of light, Imagna solitary, intimate objects, etc.

From the 'wood contemporary heroines of actresses' who have altered desbamcado myths and icons, that great generation 'random', a batch of artists like Cindy Sherman , Sophie Calle , Pipilotti Rist and Marina Abramovich, all maintain that close relationship and narrative entity body, or whatever it is, his own speech on the feminine, the importance of the gesture, reflecting on the images. All of them are, at bottom, 'Code Finder' containing the image and allow them to open and manipulate. Violence within the image. Marina is and will always be the strongest, most visual impact of a strong attachment to the feminine sense, as tension, as a tightrope or break, then are Sophie and Cindy (not included in the sample), skilled chameleon, absolute reference on the design, efficiency and mimesis of a character, Pipilotti Finally, in the middle of one and other, seduces with her femininity playing herself to end by violent mischief, or really naive little fantasies, with that sweetness that comes from childhood and suddenly, that something so universal. The work of all these 'heroines Images' is essential in transforming the image of the feminine, its universality. Action theorists who have long left the palette and they do very good use of technology, fitting, creating an impact to target other higher-impact visual culture disproportionate, "those responsible for continuing the video art that is still full of charm and interest, as it then ..



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