Sunday, April 17, 2011

Cock-shaped Waffle Iron

(8)' OBJECTS WITH SWING '/ Lapore in "Mundo Babel", PART 2, / THE SUBJECTIVE USE OBJECTS IN THE CINEMA: McGuffins and fetishes

Remember intimate and very personal, almost intimate conversation on subjects which we had on Saturday 16/04/2011 in the program "Mundo Babel" - every Saturday from 10 to 12 - of RADIO3 is something special. Soon those interested in podcast you can listen . Meanwhile, say Juan Pablo Silvestre returned to create a sound environment, to make one of those ' rubik cubes' made of pieces that eventually fit. The grace, luck, honor, this time for me was that I had to compare my vision of the objects of Frederick, a collector of Art Deco that captivates by the relationship he has with objects (and all must be said, has sparked me wanting to buy a set of salt and pepper as penguins are a real beauty). By the way, I recommend you to take a look at your web and all those amazing objects in that said game cocktail shakers "Zululú" . Anyway, I think in the list, in a summer house in winter ... in that eternal 'list of objects to swing, constantly changing .. only things I can think to add, every time. The wind combing the late afternoon a cornfield or up the path that passes by a lake, for example. I know all these things serve a very broad approach, something almost poetic than it is the "swing", but it is clear that none of us was already referring to the original musical concept ... Perhaps the most meaning to me I associated was that of 'halo' . And as a small tribute to that experience-for a more Avaz, I chose 8 objects. Objects is not that I have or belong to me, but part of my memory, my ' memorabilia ' personal, as my culture and my references are mostly film (and film the best and who can make them shine, "objects that have something that makes them memorable, with history, with a special purpose: either by their relationship with the character, as part of its characterization, or why Hitchcock and thereafter has been called the ' MacGuffin', ie, elements that seem to have a meaning and that advance the plot.
1. THE PENDULUM ( "South" of Víctor Erice). This element of mystery, almost alchemical, is the admiration he feels for his father's star, a distant and type at the same time, the 'eternal Peter Pan' , which occupies the attic of the house, deep in things. Pendulum one morning to discover that under your pillow is the sure sign that there has been increased, the farewell, the pendulum over from master to apprentice ... Habérselo's gesture left represents the fraternal bond / subsidiary, which will unbreakable, though he is gone forever. The pendulum is also a subjective measure of time, an obsession of his films of Erice, the same as that vane on top of the house, marking the cardinal points, destinations, irreversbles changes.
2. LAMP ( "Blue" , Kristof of Kievslovsky ). I think my favorite. Julie -the only character from the screen when I mimicked habits, it is the ball of vanilla coffee- feels so sad that I feel like neither forces to mourn, tears are the accounts of that unforgettable blue light, which are also musical notes of a score that tries to forget but it lurks in the head . The lamp is the only quirk that allows you to save your previous life, that house full of memories of a life he shared with two people who are not, which have left a huge void that no one can fill, tremendously blue. The lamp is, ultimately, his inner world. With scenes like this with such intensity, with that awesome music of Preisner The film is something that gets to touch and shake.

3. SHOES ( "Johnny Suede" , of Tom DiCillo ). Johnny Suede is a bad-guy who lives in a cheap hotel room and dreams of becoming a rock star. Always admired these guys so elegant, authentic of rock'n'roll stars head to toe. One day he receives a signal almost 100% divine humor DiCillo, much in the vein of Jarmusch -: splendid shoes fall on the roof cabin from which to call, just those who have always wanted and to give the necessary distinction to be one more. Are your size. In fact this signal is incorrect and this dream will never meet, but initially appear to the contemporary-and rockabilly-of Dorothy's shoes ( "The Wizard of Oz" ) the item that will complete the uniform given the superheroes and superpowers than an ordinary citizen will give just the styling that has always longed for and could not afford ...

4. CHOCOLATE ( "The Dead Mother" , of Juanma Bajo Ulloa ). It's amazing how Juanma get-in has always been for me the second best film of patriotic film after "The Spirit of the Beehive" - make something edible on an object, though not always the same chocolate is something indstrial and therefore always has the same form, but it is a success of the plot: an addiction shared between victim and executioner, a few ounces of chocolate as the major draw () that holds the Lobo Ishmael, in their evil just for a moment in that house, the need for small Riding Hood, Leire, displayed and their destinies are forever intertwined. It is also the reason that makes relationships become more complex and unhealthy, you see a strange love, in the midst of an evil plan ... Before the trauma of childhood, chocolate ends up being the only answer to which she seems to react, while for him is more like the hiss of "M, the vampire of Düsseldorf" that eventually give him away and take you away it.

5. THE LIGHTER ( "Xiao Wu" of Zhang Ke Jia ). This time there is importance in the object, but the fact that a guy who wanders the streets impassible to all, reaffirming, at every step, as a Sinequanon of 'outsider', feel a special devotion to the 'Stupid Car fair ', a sort of lucky charm, with an unbearable and tacky music that plays every time you turn it on. A little rascal, who steals, smokes and smiles every time he hears that pedaiza song. Or do not remember or this adaptation of "Pickpocket" of Bresson will -I saw 7 years in the festival Indie Lisboa - introduces the new object, with its stunning naturally, and in doing so seems to give a whole new aura, a particular china idiosyncrasies. This treatment of the subject could be taken on a more sentimental, giving the ball bombre that child in an impasse "The Ball" ( Achero Mañas ), which always carries in his pocket and seems even to keep him safe.

6. THE FIGURINE / SOUVENIR ( "Frantic" of Roman Polansky ). To keep objects in the field of cinema contemporary and not resort to McGuffin as collar "Vertigo. Among the dead woman of the table will find out that Scottie and Madeleine are the same person Judie, Another example of object: the Tourist figurine in the form of "Eiffel Tower", that stupid souvenir, the last object in the suitcase that Dr. Richard Walker, an American who desperately searches for his wife in Paris, has the engine to find it and in the end it turns out, in appearance 'harmless' in its small scale, the key element that will end this nightmare almost full daylight.

7. THAT OLD NEWSPAPER, THE CLEANER, AND 'OTHER THINGS OF PLENTY ' ("Welcome to Belleville" of Sylvain Chomet ). Unjustly convicted and punished to the background, the animation has excellent examples of realism, not only in their graphics, but the characterization, extremely careful, humanized detail of the characters. In this case, three elderly women who remain in their filthy apartment apparent domestic objects that her guest, in draw, thanks, is about to throw it away. And which are the instruments music with those who still do their old show and recover lost his fame and glory, a Paris jazz magnificent 20-year very Deco, as objects of Frederick, now in this sordid little left periphery and more than these old objects. A very nice reflection on the value of the 'vintage ' ...

8. BOX ( "Return" of Andrei Zvyagintsev). This cycle of 'objects with history, which began with a father who leaves, it closes with another, one who returns unexpectedly. Andrei and Ivan not recognize him as that type of photo stored in the barn, no longer want to hug him, or go fishing with him. However, they are almost forced to take a trip with him, between drama and thriller -of-tragic outcome to an island, in which the father has buried a box in which we will never know the contents. And, with the use and implications of all elements in this film is absolutely iconic, a direct legacy of Dreyer, this seems a "Pandora's box ', something we will never understand .. Secrets, based on a march, a turn, a need to exercise a role lost, to discover what things could save (and hide) a parent in a box ..


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