Wednesday, January 23, 2008

Pattycake Online New Sets

The venial folly of those who do not do justice neither to the dead in a shipwreck! Or will be necessary before choosing where to die?

the time nor the place to die is a choice, especially in the case of an accidental death, but the title of the article serves to draw attention to what happens in the judiciary of this city, as it relates to cases sued for alleged deaths of those who unfortunately have died in accidents occurring in shipwrecks, where it is known with certainty, be survivors, and therefore be publicly known, the location and time of accident.

In some ways it is understandable that by the very few cases of presumed death is demanded and handled in civil courts in Manta, and the special process that they involve taking more time to resolve the judges and curia in learning of them, but under no circumstances is it justifiable that the time taken for this reason, exceeds the sense of humanity that must exist in the processing of them, considering that behind the these are real human dramas of widows and orphans, who expect to obtain the widow's benefits, and pensions of pawnshop, mortuary, etc.., they are legally entitled to continue their lives in low.

And is that the problem faced by these families have overtones of tragedy, not only because they have lost the support of such households, but also, in many cases, are unable collect the bonus of human development, as in life of the castaways missing (dead is better to call because it is a real fact), bank obligations contracted or appliances bought on credit, or are they "own" any real property (usually land), thus making it impossible to receive this benefit in these cases if warranted.

Other serious problems and losses that they incurred to delay the release of these causes to the families of the victims of shipwreck, is shipwrecked there in life contracted deceased contracted loans and bank bonds, and banking institutions in compliance with what the law determines can not terminate such credits or most of them relatives can claim the insurance disencumbrance getting hired when obligation, because the financial institution asked of course, the corresponding death certificates, which in these cases shipwreck, but can not be judicially declared (maybe I should call it Stations of the Cross), and to not have these death certificates are required to pay dividends to the risk of not doing so, be declared defeated all liability with exclusion from disencumbrance noted. Nor can dispose of property left by the shipwrecked as legitimately their part, they do not have the benefit or legal guardianship over the possession of them because they can not legally use their right of inheritance for not causing, in addition to that now, it will pass pay 35% additional tax inheritance, irony. Tremendous injustice to people who suffer over the loss of their beloved relatives, must suffer the consequences of having missing in limbo, not imposed by the operator, but by the evil system and civil courts of this city by to resolve the cases of defendants alleged death.

In the case of the castaways of the B / P Dominator, which occurred on October 1, 2006, relatives of three of the eight missing (Deceased) have filed a declaration of presumed death of the same in the judiciary of Manta, and such demands full compliance with all special procedures set forth in paragraph third of the current Civil Code, which deals with the "presumption of death by disappearance" , articles 66 to 80, to date there have been ruling ordering the Civil Registration of the presumed death of the defendants. Whether congestion causes, or by the need for a tax opinion that sleeps the eternal sleep in the Public Prosecutor of the city and drawn to the Fiscal Agent will not take even one hour rule, the families of the disappeared, real victims of a perverse system must be changed urgently, living in fear every new day in the uncertainty of being neither widows nor orphans.

Whether we speak of social justice, here is the opportunity to "never better" implementation.

Dark Shadow Man With Yellow Eyes

multimodal axis Manta - Manaos and relations with the City Port.

live in an age characterized by the dynamics of change, of globalization with its fundamental characteristic, the decrease of the distances between countries and the harmonization of economic and cultural peoples, international adoption of laws such as Anti-terrorism, illegal trafficking of migrants and trade protection, the adoption of ICTs ( information and communication) in the management processes, and perhaps the most important characteristic of the era, is the certainty that the greatest wealth of a country constitute the technical qualification of its workforce, a factor that will make a difference in the competitiveness, and that a good may be produced anywhere in the world.

currently finishing a final product, many countries may be involved in its various parts or stages of production, subject only to the cost of labor, production, assembly, and transport logistics and delivery time merchandise. Then
and prepare necessary from proposed to meet the challenge, facing the implementation of the project "Multimodal Manta-Manaos axis", whose importance has been highlighted by President Correa in his message to the Nation, "and more imperative that as a country you look objectively and included in a development plan that considers, besides the necessary infrastructure to complement the project plans and geo-strategic technology-oriented education to address the need for skilled technical labor.

As a city, the authorities need to work together in a unique project that benefits the intended increase in the movement port and implementation of Megapuerto finally transfer, hopes that, if met, will directly benefit the Manta and the Province, creating a high demand for productive labor and technically.

To sample that, and without having yet developed the proposal of Megapuerto, Hyundai, important Korean company, has implemented in this city a center for monitoring, review and development of vehicles imported for distribution to all Ecuador, with projections to centralize its operations in this port for the entire Andean region. Hence
that enhances the interaction of its authorities and understand that a major impacts that will generate the authorization and operation of the megaport, will generate new processes of urbanization, as their activities become the city a center of population and resources to attract development that will increase during operation. In this way the city should be prepared to handle the impact would mean an increase in demand for its services and capacity to supply them. Failure to consider expansion plans realistic about the possible impact on the city, it is possible that the failure of the demand for services, can severely limit the further development of it and the region would benefit economically from this mega project.

Concomitant to the need for new infrastructure services, and the need to plan strategically important new ways of unblocking the traffic generated by and for the Megaport, it is necessary that the city authorities (including port), worry provide a plan for management of coastal resources, minimizing the impact to generate the implementation and operation of Megapuerto therefore integrated coastal zone is of great importance in the sustainable exploitation of its resources, from the point of economic, social and environmental. The problems facing the coast can be natural or be induced caused by human activity in the construction of infrastructure, ports, marinas, etc..

not forget that from the south are three mega-projects brewing that contemplate a corridor from the Pacific to Atlantic, is one which is the Chilean port of Arica to Parinacota in Brazil through Bolivia, and the other, perhaps the greatest threat to the project "Manta-Manaos", is the construction of the Callao Peru Megapuerto and link in a corridor similar to the eastern city of Pucallpa Peru bound for the Brazilian city of Belem, the third is the Megapuerto Tacna contemplating a project similar to the Mega Port of Manta, where the multinational China, Shandong Luneng Group, envisages investments of U.S. $ 10,000,000,000, to develop a project called "Zone of China-South Trade", a bi-oceanic corridor arriving in Brazil, integrating well with a high speed train, major regions mining in Peru, Bolivia and Brazil, which have their products out to the Pacific and the important markets of the region located in the Western Pacific such as China, Korea, Japan, etc.

It is therefore necessary, insist that local authorities work together for community interest and focus earnestly without embracing individual grandstanding, shedding of party political and personal computing, in the implementation of working groups that include the creation of realistic development plans, the city and the region urgently needed to make possible and contribute to the benefits of a mega deal "Transfer Port" as part of "Project Integral Multimodal Manta-Manaos axis."

Friday, January 11, 2008

Letter Of Car Accident

Kelsen, the saint who brings Constituent Assembly head.

Hans Kelsen
Ni-Austrian legal and political thinker, is a saint, nor the Constituent Assembly brings him head, the heading used to plot the direction of what happens to the Assembly and to understand the debate in about the doctrinal principles that should frame operation of it, and who were the lawfully elected Ecuadorian people in the referendum of April 22, 2007, election certainly consistent with the universal concept of a Constituent Assembly is very different from the interpretation of current assembly majority, manifested in the overwhelming power with which they solve and make decisions, assuming legislative duties primarily custodial function of a democratic state Legislature, distorting the true concept of Constituent Assembly to the detriment of the purpose for which the elected the Ecuadorian people.

Just for that character and sense of ideologues sociological neo the majority of assembly members, not just be entrusted to Kelsen, caustic critic of contamination of law with ideology or sociological elements that pollute deformatorios of its essence. Kelsen was a positivist vision he called "pure theory of law" and theorized about the formal analysis of law as an autonomous phenomenon of ideological or moral considerations, in which the law could not be considered in isolation but as part of a regulatory framework unit complex, in which respect the hierarchy of rules, giving rise to a coherent legal system. The validity of the rules, therefore, would be given by way of producing them and not for its content, ie the Constitution first, then the organic laws, special laws, ordinary laws, decree laws, legislative decrees, ordinances, etc. Principle known as the "Pyramid of Kelsen, is also serving an educational resource for law students understand the order of the ranking of legal devices, putting the Constitution at the peak of the pyramid, and in decreasing the junior legal rules, including administrative law and the recently issued Tax Equity Reform.
The antithesis of the "Pyramid of Kelsen," is the production of secondary legislation and the legislative work undertaken by the Constituent Assembly, and Kelsen, in fact, is the antithesis of the ideologues in the administration of citizen's revolution.

Obviously in most assembly Kelsen no fans, not many of them have heard named, and fans will not Norberto Bobbio, or Kauffman, nor distinguished jurists Luis Recaséns Siches Kelsenian fans thought, what is there are transcribers of the recipes that are cooked in Carondelet, where "We must acknowledge, with great wisdom, has faithfully followed a plan developed to eliminate all opposition may allow the government to have the tools that it considers essential for its management, mainly for it regardless of Congress, become the last years in the stone in the shoe of the executive. From there then, that the plan is that the Assembly provide and amend all laws that make it possible secondary objective of the government, before going to consider it should be, the preparation and drafting of the new Constitution, and to do that better than using their assembly, true pawns in the chessboard of national politics.

Others who have not heard of Kelsen, is the nefarious politicians who corrupted the political party system, distorting the Kelsenian principle that political parties have fundamental importance in democracies as "organs of state will-formation" and those who advocated a system to be included in national constitutions to ensure their important role as an institution of democracy. "Democracy, necessarily and inevitably requires a state party." "If it is hostile to the parties, it is hostile to democracy," Kelsen said that's why, today, the actions of the government majority should be aligned with healthy practice needed to listen and gather the papers that are valid from minority political parties represented in the Constituent Assembly and the government should be less all-embracing, be more tolerant and receptive to criticism from the opposition , picking those that are worth considering them and have a sense of fatherland, the motherland without rhetoric or calculation.