live in an age characterized by the dynamics of change, of globalization with its fundamental characteristic, the decrease of the distances between countries and the harmonization of economic and cultural peoples, international adoption of laws such as Anti-terrorism, illegal trafficking of migrants and trade protection, the adoption of ICTs ( information and communication) in the management processes, and perhaps the most important characteristic of the era, is the certainty that the greatest wealth of a country constitute the technical qualification of its workforce, a factor that will make a difference in the competitiveness, and that a good may be produced anywhere in the world.
currently finishing a final product, many countries may be involved in its various parts or stages of production, subject only to the cost of labor, production, assembly, and transport logistics and delivery time merchandise. Then
and prepare necessary from proposed to meet the challenge, facing the implementation of the project "Multimodal Manta-Manaos axis", whose importance has been highlighted by President Correa in his message to the Nation, "and more imperative that as a country you look objectively and included in a development plan that considers, besides the necessary infrastructure to complement the project plans and geo-strategic technology-oriented education to address the need for skilled technical labor.
As a city, the authorities need to work together in a unique project that benefits the intended increase in the movement port and implementation of Megapuerto finally transfer, hopes that, if met, will directly benefit the Manta and the Province, creating a high demand for productive labor and technically.
To sample that, and without having yet developed the proposal of Megapuerto, Hyundai, important Korean company, has implemented in this city a center for monitoring, review and development of vehicles imported for distribution to all Ecuador, with projections to centralize its operations in this port for the entire Andean region. Hence
that enhances the interaction of its authorities and understand that a major impacts that will generate the authorization and operation of the megaport, will generate new processes of urbanization, as their activities become the city a center of population and resources to attract development that will increase during operation. In this way the city should be prepared to handle the impact would mean an increase in demand for its services and capacity to supply them. Failure to consider expansion plans realistic about the possible impact on the city, it is possible that the failure of the demand for services, can severely limit the further development of it and the region would benefit economically from this mega project.
Concomitant to the need for new infrastructure services, and the need to plan strategically important new ways of unblocking the traffic generated by and for the Megaport, it is necessary that the city authorities (including port), worry provide a plan for management of coastal resources, minimizing the impact to generate the implementation and operation of Megapuerto therefore integrated coastal zone is of great importance in the sustainable exploitation of its resources, from the point of economic, social and environmental. The problems facing the coast can be natural or be induced caused by human activity in the construction of infrastructure, ports, marinas, etc..
not forget that from the south are three mega-projects brewing that contemplate a corridor from the Pacific to Atlantic, is one which is the Chilean port of Arica to Parinacota in Brazil through Bolivia, and the other, perhaps the greatest threat to the project "Manta-Manaos", is the construction of the Callao Peru Megapuerto and link in a corridor similar to the eastern city of Pucallpa Peru bound for the Brazilian city of Belem, the third is the Megapuerto Tacna contemplating a project similar to the Mega Port of Manta, where the multinational China, Shandong Luneng Group, envisages investments of U.S. $ 10,000,000,000, to develop a project called "Zone of China-South Trade", a bi-oceanic corridor arriving in Brazil, integrating well with a high speed train, major regions mining in Peru, Bolivia and Brazil, which have their products out to the Pacific and the important markets of the region located in the Western Pacific such as China, Korea, Japan, etc.
It is therefore necessary, insist that local authorities work together for community interest and focus earnestly without embracing individual grandstanding, shedding of party political and personal computing, in the implementation of working groups that include the creation of realistic development plans, the city and the region urgently needed to make possible and contribute to the benefits of a mega deal "Transfer Port" as part of "Project Integral Multimodal Manta-Manaos axis."
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