Tuesday, February 1, 2011

Cpa Syllabus For Section 1

Spike Jonze & ARCADE FIRE: "Scenes from the suburbs" .. / Behind the scenes and B-sides of adolescence. Nostalgia: ARCADE FIRE / TERENCE DAVIES

A Txarls, superfan and good people (yes, my 3 year blog).
A minha Maria Joao-Curti Joazinha-com quem or "Neon bible " lá em BsAs ..

Another success more (or the winning horse?) For Arcade Fire entrust the music video "Suburbs" , theme which gives its name to his last work, one of the most acclaimed by critics and the public in 2010, certainly a wonder, Spike Jonze : one of the fathers of contemporary video , language controlled by their full potential and resources and from which gave way to the big screen to be part of that generation of young filmmakers incalculable visual talent (which, incidentally, just happens to Gondry , in my opinion, he is very good it brings together all pulsating universe that someone as much or more to yours: Charlie Kaufman ). The fact is that .. so I do not understand is why this delay, as a mystery fan video of tandem with more cache and more fashionable, more to the success of the album's release ... Had I not been sure much more beneficial to put that "package" that often drives the "melancholy early ." The only explanation that will be made known two weeks, it occurs to me, might have to do with the fact that he participated in the Official Section Short Film Competition to begin the editing of BERNILANE Festival .
Here's this video with a history genre that appeared was falling into disuse (a pity, the song as a narrative unity is a very solid structure), actually a short film excerpt from "Scenes from the Suburbs" and then a brief analysis of what drives behind in their own suburbs ...

Spike Jonz and , with his usual coolness, offers this support / visual complement to "Suburbs" a clear history dyes autobiographical of the band, cameo Win Butler through, making police. A autobiographical aspect of the band which remains unknown to many of the now billion Epiphanes, when, however, is a key to understanding why all this gloom ...
If the music of the AF sounds sometimes church is because they should seek, long for a little salvation. All of these echoes of pop instrumental, this epic, full of reminiscences, not casual ... Do not forget, for these 6 young geniuses, the music started as a balm, a way out, almost therapeutic, a response to a bitter disappointment, several family losses in common, a bit cloudy and unhappy childhood, which it seems there was some (or more) episode of harassment by fellow institute Then, fortunately, came together .. It is curious that that today's stars are among the most sought after indie scene, if that word still has meaning, I no longer ..- ' world all around you 'were the pringuis class ...
they think of this and now they bitched and then crushed them?? If instead of Canadians were Americans, today I would have apologized in a patriotic act / public ... But the truth is that I've always thought that the damage done at the tender adolescence that unstable personality, even to do, almost crude, is irreversible, that stays in memory forever and can seriously injure self-esteem. What has been diagnosed as " bullying " and can have devastating consequences on personality and social skills.
I still sometimes wonder what will become of that fellow in the school where I COU, freshly mixed, which sounded both his cowboy boots and with my colleagues that they got far-right there in that moment I was new, the only thing I could think to do was look with eyes closed and prosecutors to shift funny. 2 things I learned at that time, that my life would be left and the one who makes fun of others is to hide their own shortcomings.
For components Arcade Fire , fortunately, channeled all that rejection in music and g hanks to a painful, got something beautiful . There was a happy ending. The friendship came face of adversity and was what united them, with the strength of a promise, a covenant blood, resistance to common problems, with a paternalistic style 'f iel in prosperity and in adversity , health and disease . " That's why his music sounds different, because it has a internal layers, autobiographical memories in response to an unhappy environment and that damn lonely ..
tmb Something that has the video clip. What also has to do with that amalgam feelings is films Terence Davies - -: one of his films is called just "Neon bible" , as they named their debut album. It can be coincidences, but not here, when you delve in the same way as inner feelings. I still think it was after him. In fact, I claim the parallel ARCADE FIRE / TERENCE DAVIES (indeed, who would not be familiar with this name, I dedicated a post, it ), who have been emotionally the most compatible and appropriate to the symbolic part is the video clip. With all those characters unhappy, unfortunate for their own circumstances, but they are exalted, absurd and inexplicably feel happy when they sing ..
Now, how to represent ..? Spike Jonze is who gets behind the camera to generate a common place that evening in summer between old friends, with bike rides, jokes ... Everything points to a happiness a stripping of responsibility, an idle time .. Suddenly the events go awry, the joke is moving, it seems as if the day is cloudy, it gets dark, you see the fear, the fun disappears. That moment of thrill to have something to do with how the Arcade Fire is seen and lived their own flesh that complex feeling, again, is an essential part of their work. This idea of \u200b\u200bthe passage into adolescence, such as falling into an abyss, the ingenuity of disappointment, this stop being children, this corruption, that suffering ...

The Arcade Fire are one tormented in its true meaning and status. As for Johnny Cash, with a life not at all easy, his music is his own way of sub-heal your life experience, or perhaps even reveling in all this universe of romantic elements ( I mean Romanticism, as the exaltation of nostalgia).
The fact is that, finally, that the discs based on a leitmotif , with some case, as in this the suburbs, often work very well arrive at the "kid of the question," the heart of the disc, and, above all, adds a value of artistic unity, a unity that does not give the mere fact of being edited together in a support . Focusing it around this could be an eternal post but I happen to mention the lisabö , who conceived one of his great albums from concept of non-place ...



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