Wednesday, May 11, 2011

Bible Black 2 Streaming

National Park "The Larches" - Chubut, Patagonia Argentina

Alerces National Park is a large protected area that is very near Esquel, Chubut province, Patagonia Argentina. Embrace
Futalaufquen Lake, the river Myrtles, Lake Verde and Menéndez. Its incredible landscapes is considered one of the most beautiful national parks of Argentina.
environments protected area may fall in the forest eco-regions and high Patagonian Andes, that is a cool temperate climate, with high seasonality.
The winters are rainy and snowy, dry summers with cool nights. The area is a complex lake system, numerous rivers, streams and ponds.
was created in 1937 and has an area of \u200b\u200b263,000 ha. The rationale for its creation is to protect the lahuán or larch,
an ancient tree, of the oldest in the world., which came to be in danger of extinction.
grows 1 mm per year and belongs to the family of Cupressaceae (Cupressaceae). Reach a height between 19 and 22 meters.
reddish brown wood is very hard and resistant to putrefaction, so it has been used to make beams, posts and boats.
The leaves, bark and resin have medicinal properties.
Other plant species that are present in the national park are mountain cypress, coihues, Maniu, mutisias orange flowers,
chilcos red flowers, flowers virreinas lioutos lilac and yellow flowers.

Saturday, May 7, 2011

My Deepest Penetration Vids

INDIA 'right now'-Asian Dub Foundation anti-Bollywood cinema (Julian Rosefeldt) * Artistic Manifestations' MADE IN-DIA, beyond the cliché ..

Although long ago one thing and another, as did the association, I thought I married well. Will almost two months since I went to see Asian Dub Foundation, group of Indians settled in London, I urge trained. Electronic Music and new trends / technologies . Peculiar formation, dedicated to the fusion of hip hop with electronics, mobile members, characterized by frenetic rhythms bases (although this time, live, I do not seem much) on this 'list' of Muffins Reggae, in an organizational chorus of voices almost take advantage to make any allusion to the contemporary world as complex and in constant change and conflict, and send messages. Indians 'abritanizados' or British with Indian features ...

Nothing is coincidence. The logo of the band, the symbol of peace, the naturalness with which he devoted an issue to Libya, Egypt, the rest of the East who falls under a domino effect whose effects, adverse provision still do not know .., or the fact that he called the new album: "Living the History of Now" ... reflect the close relationship with today. And sometimes (if not always) is so angry that hard to think that the creators have not affecting them to avoid getting inspired by it and may even symbolically ordered: either with the letters directly, or through gestures, actions of the band, ' out stage. "
ADF are Indians without burkas and openly, with tattoos, sweatshirts Nike, Western-style ... result of globalization or immigration movement (not just birds), Indians. Far from the cliché even in appearance, probably second or even third generation living in the cosmopolitan metropolis of the First World, while maintaining ties to their homeland, which gave them the culture and features, everything is multicultural. A mixture as necessary to help debunk stereotypes too rooted in the past, with real life experiences, to make way for new waves, waves. Without losing the roots, the popular culture of the place of origin, bringing it in every video but in a contemporary way, in a curious relationship between tradition and modernity, which is very evident in a wonderful work in tandem with Sinead O ' Connor - tmb you think he deserved to have gone much further ..? -. "1000 mirrors" , take the opportunity to teach (in case anyone I had not seen or want to review):

On the other hand, Julian Rosefeld , German artist who works with ease and talent in the language of the video-installation (that you can not stop watching, like a movie, which is also recorded in 35mm) has always been concerned by a hotly contemporary cliché and Another default image, particularly the Indians, which, indeed, is a community that goes almost unnoticed, " likely to have been reserved awarded, without notice, the role and roses hollow street vendor. In fact, this is how I realized and remembered I had seen his other work, in an exhibition at the DA2 (Salamanca). But in this case I refer to his work "Lonely Planet" , great, who until recently was seen in the exhibition at the CaixaForum "The effects of film (Illusion, reality and image movement)-REALISM " that collects after-border artists, film makers to rethink strategies for the apparent perception realism. A pity they did not follow the film series that accompanied except "Tropical Malady" , a strange film, 'film museum', in which nothing is predictable, which may pass minutes of silence and suddenly everything changed, turning to turn ...

"LonelyPlanet" -referred to the 'modus vivendi' 'operandi without question it is to make tourism as a guide, is a great sequence shot, no cuts (or the classic effect to link scenes in traveling to his court, which will hide it), totally trickster, even came to remind me "Apocalyse now" . A trip to India, undertaken by the classic backpacker, the artist, to several famous landmarks as part of its tourism. At which step, the apparent daily life becomes a response bollywoodiana , ie key musical, technical sophistication and surprise to wake up in the viewer, which is reflected in the backpacker and sees everything as if it were a show, who knows if a nod to own industry cliché Bombay.
And all this brings to mind something that everyone has gone through the head once: how would movies like "White House," Battleship Potemkin " , etc. Bollywood style , if history would in essence the same way, through the filter of that style so staged, or if it would be more like a strange parody. Not really, not have to. Because the film 'Made in Hollywood ' just won, was sold before we got used to it, having more to do with our way watching the film, while the Hindi film went for the dance and song dramaturgical elements, and the registration of overacting, the exaltation of feeling so tearful. I do not know .. something tells me that it would be unreasonable to think that, in future, the Bollywood film -or a similar model, it starts to burn beyond its current borders and market.

* By the way, for those interested Julian Rosefeldt has participated in the 2 ª Bienal Fin del Mundo, 2009 held in the hangar at the old airport of Ushuaia, Tierra del Fuego, Argentina -A reflection on the non-sites, no man's land all in 'site specific', the sea of \u200b\u200binteresting-

Wednesday, May 4, 2011

When I Sneeze My Ovary Hurt

Julião Sarmento -> short distances (HOUSE ON) / * thresholds, women without head and the realm of real 100%

is strange that, in its apparent ' proximity ', we always get something so so' far 'the Portuguese (and you should know everyone who has been here ever that one of my themes is endless, sentimental fetish). This time, one of those few, we had the chance to see that prism window or artistic endeavor that is all that is the vision of the world, and only contemporary and contradictory, especially that of an artist to travel, as Juli ã or Sarmento. That is inter.personales relations, self and others, the intimacy that, yes, it is precious commodity that now seems impossible to retain or recover, like a butterfly and flies away ..-, all with the care and maintaining detail and focuses on the speech, which characterizes the long edge and exhibitions scheduled in HOUSE ON . By the way, that previous knowledge, especially by collages and mixed media so simplistic (nice his work in the collection Fundação Serralves, Porto) and not in terms of facilities, after seeing "Short distances" I keep a picture of him as an artist that has more to do with the work of Tony Ousler, Bruce Nauman , etc. those artists so obsessed with space, and spaces that create or simulate so obsessive, with its consequent irony, critical social dimension; The private and public, inside and out ..
First: it's funny because Sarmento women, individuals who occupy ever-both 2D and 3D space. an almost privileged to me
central us, with all the 'air' around, always wear black dresses that 'weigh', but are made with graphite. They always seem wool, only reveal to the knee, which sometimes have some crack, it seems to always leave a mark ...

These women often lack the head and an opportunity to recommend, that something does come to the case, "The Headless Woman" of Lucrecia Martel - or are blocked, and although the plot is fine, there is a threat, a restrained, perhaps anger, or suffering ... and may not be coincidence but the causality, because the far / near native Portuguese society is, not matriarchal, I have already spoken several times of the figure, almost historic, the 'single mother. " In exposure, a female figure, solitary or alone, occupies an entire room with such a close relationship to what steps with its surroundings .. items like milk and honey "By the way, please !!!!! someone enlighten me on sigificado expression "milk & honey" , I only hear or read, here and there, long time. symbolically decapitated women Sarmento remember that both these levels of study and composition of Helena Almeida, one of the faces and great references of Portuguese art beyond its 'borders', strange boundaries-which also devoted a exposure some years ago in Madrid. What a coincidence or not, always wearing a similar black dress in the study of gestures, actions that seem to always have some guilt, punishment, punishment, lack of impunity. B & N devastating, contrast, may be just a coincidence (the dress), but I think it's something to be there ...
The icing on the exhibition is the performance "Comet" , interpetada by a couple in a cabin built former process on the top floor, a haven of peace, which was when both I put on my boots making workshops - playing with the feeling that causes the viewer to observe up close the sensuality of the dance, which caress kiss a boy and a girl, one of those situations that sometimes occur, just happen, and they do so complicit, so close to give people .. . Here the viewer is however a third, the interrupt / surplus, which could break the magic of that moment (however, the driving force and reason to it that has created this fictional situation with large doses of reality.) 'Performance verité' in walking distance, at its closest approach, the ability to amend or to hold the viewer in a situation where you feel somewhat uncomfortable, between voyeuristic and intrusive. A man and a woman extremely attractive-indeed, they rotate, "played by the halo of beauty, being beautiful figures, submitted to its own" seduction live '..: a pleasant surprise for those who enter without knowing what is on the other hand, because effectively, and friends, this is art, who does live an experience, even with humor, or b-have, but did not find an answer, a mechanism and, above all, is part of the work.
can not say, nor much less that it is an original idea but a review interesting, something that, deep down, more than 30 years and did Marina Abramovic with his then inseparable Ulay, in "imponderabilia" iconic image of the performance where there .. . LINK:

A threshold crossed disrupts people occupying the 'short distance' between a man and a woman staring at naked, with all the desire that the format / layout involved. "By the way, you will see in the video bit 'shame' of the public, awake, interactive hustler who was at that time ..- O point to the fact that art in 70 out deeply and sincerely performative (see Klein, Beuys , etc. and, of course, the whole feminist movement, as Ana Mendieta - all so in relation to body to the limits ...

narrow spaces in which there is no protocol or the ability to maintain safe distance, that which separates us and protects us from another, that fear by touching .. it also retrieves Sarmento, especially in another of its facilities, in a hallway of a mere 30 cm wide to prevent a frontal to the screen.


And since the film is the rudder in these parts ... the whole context of 'cotidinadeidad so palpable that we would Inconvenient , this embodiment of the screen ... end with a 'high thinking': the film has been able to .. Who? It is complex to find the name, I think nobody, at least I sea/conozca- has done at all, since in conventional narrative cinema in all its vast perimeter, these licenses or 'niche' to explore is be overlooked in the way: the plot. Maybe something if they can get, pollute the 'tone' filmmakers as disparate as Julian Schnabel (Poetic), David Cronenberg (the abject) or Claire Denis (the trafronteriza) and it's true: the end of cinema is to uncover injury or cross borders, to the other, 'The other' ...

Monday, May 2, 2011

Vegeta Kisses Bulma In Manga

Fall ... Chained

In the fall, breaking the silence
leaves fall.

Reed Or Willow Screening

verité "EDIT & PLAY" PABLO Esbert: Dance in fast forward. Work in progress, self * Altered States, Video installation, Performance, Michael Snow

Great the proposal of Paul Esbert I saw yesterday in the Teatro Pradillo . A leaflet as a movie and making of , which takes the elements of film language, more specifically, of assembly, to take to the field of dance and mise-em -scène, with humor and all the possibilities and potential mimetic approaches. Voices are distorted when the image forward and back, two performers, Paul Esbert and Janet Novás , under the operation of a loop, almost whimsical, a temporary segment. Sketching in the first part 'PLAY' , on several occasions the smile, to see them again, and again the same scene, which finally shed his own text, of its initial value, with much repetition, a grin of her own, establishing a new logic, that is, above all, a very able and specific choreography at the base and the excuse for the performers to explore and reconstuyan the sequence of a thousand and one ways, with consequent changes in velocity and deformation processing and movement, gesture and voice. While
' EDIT' , the second piece complements the leaflet, this nifty double feature on the 'cuadratrura circle. " A reflection on the previous humor, of his intention, a dismantling of the process, the work itself ( PLAY) of the score, the guidelines ... A sincere and interesting reflection on the role of the viewer and the positioning of the fourth wall. One way to validate the finish a piece in a new format: an installation progress working , without applause, which contains all optical devices, technological and temporal and stage use, in place of actor-like element never questioned, which is basically a alteración/construcción-. Following the demon-stration, he disappears from the scene without further explanation, without asking for recognition, substituted or giving way to a gathering and organizing all the elements and senses involved in the perception of a piece, almost as if it were one of these early works of Chris Marker (which saw as recently in the Lisbon Culturgest). And in both cases is, at bottom, in a conceptual way, and more Paul Esbert value being on stage and by exclusion, a self portrait. *

, A multidisiciplinar work in its true nature, open-mindedness, risky choreography, by its own mechanism, and the quality of it to be the imitation by its secrecy, which has a lot of work behind, the most meticulous, no doubt what led him to and provided the "excess material", as much or more interest, to conceive the second piece, the reconstruccción, thought and conceptual approach as contemporary dance, and is lack thereof-, second-vulnnerabilidad assuming the idea of \u200b\u200bbody-doubt, as part of the process and work. A strange and nice feeling to see Paul Esbert relate to all these elements and devices, something that, increasingly, gradually is becoming performance and is no longer a conventional piece, something that even made me recover fond memories, of a book that was once key to ILM cais, o understand the conceptual art Tido, transboundary, that has to do with the reflection of reality, with the sense of self, etc.: " The photographic act " of Philippe Dubbois ,
which took this wonderful picture of Michael Snow . A self-portrait in progress .
In short, I recommend, if you have a chance, this proposal, one of the best I've seen lately, I have been very good taste all that humor, wit and a domino effect or Russian doll, which, coincidentally or not, I've seen on other occasions in the Pradillo, "the structure within the structure within the ... cycles, back and forth, from the concrete to the generic, all these forms may have only one, the comic effect or not multiplication. A success.

if she got confused the relationship and I am not surprised because, between a piece that just no one could see and the remainder of references something 'espesas'-bring a good and clear example of this level of visual, completely experimental and abstract, highly anti-narrative' to Hollywood ', the one that irritates some and hate and others see the charm and emphasis. That is both a levelof with (s) imaging science as a 'weather' . "Wavelengh" also Michael Snow, a mitiqueza ..:

What Does Myometrium Mean

Echoes "MY BROTHER GUN, RAY LORIGA: 'Liquid boy' .. & 'No mand's land * Americanized adaptation, and decision-making style

Mummy Was a waitress dressed in tangerine,
daddy she found in a can of sardines.
Liquid boy, you know all the stories,
it´s been there since the first cold morning.

So blue, blue, blue,
gonna try with glue.
Baby, it´s dry, dry, dry,
I hate you when you cry.

No more bitter cherry juice,
give me something that I can´t lose.
"GLUE", (Cristina Rosenvinge).

La literatura algo deshecha, con la belleza de metáforas so visual, these 'gifts for the eyes' (which reads), amid a tangle of characters Loriga vulnerable .. can happen in one step at a screen, but much more remains latent in the novel, no doubt, that root and spirit highly beat everything younger, dignified, that advocacy of rebellion, the thrill of the landscape. .. not easily translated into images such metaphors ... verbal can become, even in a bad sort of oral tradition, when there about actors playing these 'thoughts waste. " Almost as if it were a 'bad painting' to painting or the same name applied to embody musical voices and arrangements Desfina distorted as Nick Cave & The Bad Seeds , that kind of apology d elo imperfect, the nod to well done, that something that just is also interesting (and I think you try to copy, but without success) to Cristina Rosenvinge.

Of course, I must say: I love the theme of "Liquid Boy" and how it uses and loads of atmosphere mood / music throughout the film, with such bases The Sonic Youth Ray to give away this movie generational teenager like them, and that precisamte filled those spaces that remain empty in the passage from the novel to the screen. These distorted guitar playing and go very well accompanied with a story that is taking flight dyes to their final destination.
After the screening, Ray itself, with its aura teen-named the film references that were his when he made the film, and named among them Godard , but in reality to what reminded me most was to "The 400 Blows" of Truffaut ... Anyway, this strange journey whose ultimate aim was the beach, remember, in their sentimental value and that child dramaturgical llegando por su propio pie al mar; lo absurdo y la indiferencia como manifiesto de opinión, o de falta de pulsión, un estado de ánimo que no se verbaliza, de ser perdido que no encuentra su sitio, de 'terrible enfant' -el entonces crío Jean-Pierre Leàud , el alter ego de Truffaut , como, probablemente, el protagonista de "La pistola de mi hermano" de Ray-; paralelismo también por esa reflexión acerca de la violencia, sin moralinas ni culpables... El otro día Ray se mordía las uñas en la Academia de Cine en una ronda de preguntas que no le apetecía contestar -quizá queda ya muy lejos una película who is 14 years o. .. not let him concentrate failure feel to be in the 'right place right time ' and something stirred by not watching the game. At one point, as a little revenge, or brake to the retail of questions about how I can take an adventure supported by professionals and adapt his own novel (something unheard of in our history of cinema and literature adapted, that is true), claimed to be 'a filmmaker nobel, not a filmmaker idiot' ...

Anyway, I remembered "Fallen from Heaven" as a small-big-history, a unconditional admiration of one brother to another, that gets (almost without realizing it, or an almost silly, as an act of provocation) in trouble and just run from the law, and how the brother who stays on the mainland presence this flight, this transformation inerior in the distance, feeling the only possible outcome of this journey of no return for the EU becoming legend, and for others a bad example. All with a huge intensity ... Here in "my brother's gun" but only see two guys. Who smoke and drink together, but there is something strange and confusing that makes them seem brothers. I do not know if it is the actors' physical As they moved away, as if they were not the same father but still we did not know, what is the distance that separates them ... Even the way they are treated, that sort of Fascínio that it is his 'brother', the fact that perhaps you will find the pool leaves everything in a very GusVanSantiano climate would be more logical interpreted as a platonic love, a non-story -of-love gay . There is a very representative conversation in which the brother says it looks like one of those stars that make them a report and record them walk as if they knew. He asks if that is bad and the brother says, " No, I like ."

Another thing that strikes me a lot of attention is the image of the father on fire entering the room and lets her son a gun. It is an immense brutal beauty, a memorable metaphor, even a landmark images of English cinema, as is that of Ana Torrent with Frankenstein by the river in "The Spirit of the Beehive" , of Erice - were it not for the quality of the rest of the contradiction, in that sort of 'bad style' underground, but Alcaine photography; the Americanization of the story, in their treatment and in context, corners picturesque and places in any part of the English geography.
The rest of the cast is wonderful: Mortessen Vigo, before being a celebrity as a secondary character that enriches the history Erejalde Karra, in another great role, embroidering a kind of Lt. Hal ( Harvey Keitel) of "Thelma & Louise" that seems to have a different perspective and key facts of history , and Anna Gallienus that wherever he goes, in a strange way, fills everything. And Achaeans here is a mother who calls puffs of cigarettes to children, who knows if fumárselos laziness alone. True
is difficult to know whether Ray Loriga is or not, a good filmmaker. "Teresa, the Body of Christ" is wonderful, in my opinion underrated, but comparing difcild not be previously a novel, and having the opposite style: sophisticated, almost theatrical staging a large, formal , etc. everything here seems to deny that. And this only know (or could guess the better) in a third film act as decision style and position, but in reality is not always the case: see the case of Michael Winterbottom , no doubt, a great filmmaker, has gone through all genres and styles, a 'filmmaker calidoscíopico' in an ongoing experiment, which seems to define the platitudes that would provide a style / seal, as the public's ability to recognize, as something that encompasses and gives his own way.

back to Ray Loriga, the memory of a little talk in the framework of the workshop warning against the use of metaphors free, if you can get, or not carry the halo how well managed in the literary to the visual .. is at the discretion of each, in the case of this debut, which, without anything particularly memorable, it makes something that does not forget, a state beyond the plot attaches great importance and prints a strange character to character, blending fiction and reality ... something which, incidentally, reminds me also of all those classic road movie in which they could base d elas he could catch, another, another way: the "Ça burn" of Claire Simon (which at the time I posted), the physicality, and all that contemporary French cinema apathy that has no need to explain things or nothing happens, nothing special or particular to that will support a story, also has many of the independent narrative minimalism Buffalo 66 " of Vincent Gallo -gem if there ever was, by the way you relate to memory, to keep the character as being unpredictable, as a kind forever unknown, distant, shy, asocial ... It seems Loriga cinema will be part of a trend or way of doing that, at intervals, much like me or me away: that 'movie does not in anyone hand', rather, allows each viewer to wide, demabular the landscape, characters we do not understand, nor understand those stops in the middle of a bus journey in the vicinity of such restaurants side street, always full and always empty, always become so eternal ... That each one lives in a manner and with a time, a little experience. Film no frills, presumably sincere, without violins that make us fall tears or characters to identify. All that 'no man's land'