Saturday, May 7, 2011

My Deepest Penetration Vids

INDIA 'right now'-Asian Dub Foundation anti-Bollywood cinema (Julian Rosefeldt) * Artistic Manifestations' MADE IN-DIA, beyond the cliché ..

Although long ago one thing and another, as did the association, I thought I married well. Will almost two months since I went to see Asian Dub Foundation, group of Indians settled in London, I urge trained. Electronic Music and new trends / technologies . Peculiar formation, dedicated to the fusion of hip hop with electronics, mobile members, characterized by frenetic rhythms bases (although this time, live, I do not seem much) on this 'list' of Muffins Reggae, in an organizational chorus of voices almost take advantage to make any allusion to the contemporary world as complex and in constant change and conflict, and send messages. Indians 'abritanizados' or British with Indian features ...

Nothing is coincidence. The logo of the band, the symbol of peace, the naturalness with which he devoted an issue to Libya, Egypt, the rest of the East who falls under a domino effect whose effects, adverse provision still do not know .., or the fact that he called the new album: "Living the History of Now" ... reflect the close relationship with today. And sometimes (if not always) is so angry that hard to think that the creators have not affecting them to avoid getting inspired by it and may even symbolically ordered: either with the letters directly, or through gestures, actions of the band, ' out stage. "
ADF are Indians without burkas and openly, with tattoos, sweatshirts Nike, Western-style ... result of globalization or immigration movement (not just birds), Indians. Far from the cliché even in appearance, probably second or even third generation living in the cosmopolitan metropolis of the First World, while maintaining ties to their homeland, which gave them the culture and features, everything is multicultural. A mixture as necessary to help debunk stereotypes too rooted in the past, with real life experiences, to make way for new waves, waves. Without losing the roots, the popular culture of the place of origin, bringing it in every video but in a contemporary way, in a curious relationship between tradition and modernity, which is very evident in a wonderful work in tandem with Sinead O ' Connor - tmb you think he deserved to have gone much further ..? -. "1000 mirrors" , take the opportunity to teach (in case anyone I had not seen or want to review):

On the other hand, Julian Rosefeld , German artist who works with ease and talent in the language of the video-installation (that you can not stop watching, like a movie, which is also recorded in 35mm) has always been concerned by a hotly contemporary cliché and Another default image, particularly the Indians, which, indeed, is a community that goes almost unnoticed, " likely to have been reserved awarded, without notice, the role and roses hollow street vendor. In fact, this is how I realized and remembered I had seen his other work, in an exhibition at the DA2 (Salamanca). But in this case I refer to his work "Lonely Planet" , great, who until recently was seen in the exhibition at the CaixaForum "The effects of film (Illusion, reality and image movement)-REALISM " that collects after-border artists, film makers to rethink strategies for the apparent perception realism. A pity they did not follow the film series that accompanied except "Tropical Malady" , a strange film, 'film museum', in which nothing is predictable, which may pass minutes of silence and suddenly everything changed, turning to turn ...

"LonelyPlanet" -referred to the 'modus vivendi' 'operandi without question it is to make tourism as a guide, is a great sequence shot, no cuts (or the classic effect to link scenes in traveling to his court, which will hide it), totally trickster, even came to remind me "Apocalyse now" . A trip to India, undertaken by the classic backpacker, the artist, to several famous landmarks as part of its tourism. At which step, the apparent daily life becomes a response bollywoodiana , ie key musical, technical sophistication and surprise to wake up in the viewer, which is reflected in the backpacker and sees everything as if it were a show, who knows if a nod to own industry cliché Bombay.
And all this brings to mind something that everyone has gone through the head once: how would movies like "White House," Battleship Potemkin " , etc. Bollywood style , if history would in essence the same way, through the filter of that style so staged, or if it would be more like a strange parody. Not really, not have to. Because the film 'Made in Hollywood ' just won, was sold before we got used to it, having more to do with our way watching the film, while the Hindi film went for the dance and song dramaturgical elements, and the registration of overacting, the exaltation of feeling so tearful. I do not know .. something tells me that it would be unreasonable to think that, in future, the Bollywood film -or a similar model, it starts to burn beyond its current borders and market.

* By the way, for those interested Julian Rosefeldt has participated in the 2 ª Bienal Fin del Mundo, 2009 held in the hangar at the old airport of Ushuaia, Tierra del Fuego, Argentina -A reflection on the non-sites, no man's land all in 'site specific', the sea of \u200b\u200binteresting-


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