Monday, July 9, 2007

Best Anti Dandruff Shampoo For Mens In Pakistan


(part I)

are invaluable and intangible values \u200b\u200bto each human being, hence it's been considered since time immemorial in natural law, as part of basic human rights inherent in their personal are now better known as Human Rights.

gravitate values \u200b\u200bbeing structurally in the environment of every human being within a practical level of their actions, are directly proportional and will form the scope of its assessment as a result of the synthesis of objective reality and subjective reality what we know as the ethical in which man develops within their relations with society, that is, we better appreciated the larger our participation and contribution contribution without prejudice by this same right to those who are less social actors.

So concepts, amazing in practice transgression that makes these fundamental principles of coexistence and respect for human rights, is injurious to the honor of people regardless of their rank or social position, the diatribe, insult Defamation and the chafarrinada are fresh bread, with bold disintegration of the objective and subjective reality, it is said that all legislators are rats, crooks, thieves, without considering that a large majority of them obtained their seats in the recent past elections with a volume of votes to pass the five million (just in Guayas, Pichincha and Manabi are concentrated around 4.5 million voters, representing 56% of all voters in the country ) and then with absolute myopia, then we let ourselves be influenced by images without alienating northern television shows to a small group of no more than three thousand people attacking the 'people's house' (the same that were branded as anarchists in half the world had not then and now Pat Roe if available), the capital autistic passers who do not represent anyone but only to his deep bitterness and resentment, rejection of the core society, ergo, their own families, which would have us believe that we are all Ecuadorians who want chaos, disorder and destruction of the peaceful coexistence of decent work, the desire for progress in addition to other State's financial assets and all Ecuadorians. Nothing could be farther from the truth!.

is then that the media should get to play its fundamental role and most importantly, objectively reporting the absolute independence, consistent with the need to be guides of society, consistent with the need to focus on higher expectations of it and thus banishing outrageous practices; understanding that society requires media consistent with the development of the times and the speed of change, committed to pulling and pushing for development to come together behind, and not to serve small groups of ephemeral power 'interns of democracy. "

When freedom of information becomes a key part of any democratic society, when the various social functions of the media are constantly attacked for political power, when the private lives of many people is subject to investigative journalism when their messages have the ability to stick in the mind and hearts of millions of people, it is not surprising that the demands of moral responsibility to the profession of journalism, in its many dimensions-grow considerably. Because often they are the pointers of the daily scene in which we live, influencing social actors making their decisions.

In a next installment, I'll explain in what way the media have a responsibility to the right to privacy, honor, dignity and good name. Dr. Eduardo Vega CaamaƱo



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