purpose I wanted to wait for the constituent consultation has been concluded, and the result is now well known, to comment about the urgent need to discuss the structural changes the country needs to ensure the postulate Universal "Nation to ensure sustainable development for its inhabitants." And in this context, the discussion should be absolutely democratic, allowing all currents of thought access freely to express their opinion without restrictions, threats, or worse, sectarian institution of persecution and division among Ecuadorians, then Ecuador is a corollary of nations and ideologies championed by the same tricolor who longs to live well and dream work, freedom to choose what suits you best in an environment of peace, security and respect, and not if it means the triumph of the constituent A license to banish authoritarian ideas and proposals for written and conceptualized antagonistic groups with a vision of homeland in the free exercise of democracy.
Of course, as there are different political views, there are many contentious issues, which each school of thought and would like to see embodied in the new Constitution, but above all, it is recommended and desirable for ideological papers temper and reconcile on the basis of the highest good of all inhabitants of our beautiful country.
detachment should be analyzed with the benefits of the dogmatic part of the current Constitution, and sift the organizational arrangements, the eligibility requirements for legislators, justices of the Supreme Court, Comptroller, Attorney General and other dignitaries of relative importance, to rectify the defects of form and procedure have been reasons for conflicts and morbid interest.
The Constitution of 1998, introduced in Title III, major reforms of social content, is concerned to include the effective implementation of the rights, guarantees and the corresponding duties of citizens, reforms in the areas of health, of education, where the Article 71 spent 30% of the general government budget for this sector, also established in Article 70 the accountability of the national education system aspects that have not been met. Reforms in the field of rights guarantees: Habeas Corpus, Habeas Data, Amparo Constitutional establishment of the Ombudsman (?) And, most importantly in my opinion, so that the problem lies not in laws but in the attitudes of people, and that to achieve real change should become cornerstone of outreach and education to all Ecuadorians, not just those of school age, the Constitution of 98, Title III, Chapter VII, which discusses the duties and responsibilities, we gave in Section 97, twenty ordinal starting with the mandate to comply with and enforce the Constitution, the law and legitimate authority decision-time-out to reflect back, and reviewing the last days of life policy, especially the last episodes experienced, I wonder if this has been accomplished, and obviously the answer is NO, and box comes my next question, what or who will ensure that the new Constitution does not fall into the wet paper quality the present? - and, well, randomly commenting that Article 97, the 4th ordinal speaking to promote the common good and put the greater the interest; or ordinal work efficiently on the 6th (?)-you my dear reader must have felt like all Ecuadorians, inefficient and indifferent attention of state bureaucrats in the Civil Registry, IESS, Emelmanabí or Pacifictel to name a few, and now even in the private sector, banks tails of ignominy, where when you were stuck with their permit application, that moment is just the system or simply the employee is instructed to change, change that the constituent? -, in the 9th ordinal states; Manage honest public property, in the ordinal 14 is designated "denounce and combat acts of corruption." You think all these postulates have been fulfilled?, And I do not think it would be futile to continue discussing the other, if we know to have been violated. It is therefore urgent that as the preferred model will promote state propaganda and disseminate all the paragraphs of Article 97 of the still current State Constitution, state propaganda campaign, the other, justified and permanent implementation.
Constitution also introduced the 98 major changes in the judicial system was instituted the orality of the trial to give the Ecuadorian justice without delay, a justice inspired by the principles of immediacy, speed and efficiency in administration. Where stresses that justice is not sacrificed by the mere omission of formalities, but unfortunately, all these statements harmoniously structured and shaped with the best intentions, have left it in simple sentences, for despite having spent nine years of existence, has not implemented an oral trials in all matters, has achieved efficiency in the administration of justice, with case backlogs and misplaced for times beyond doctrinal worst forecast legal secondarily an talking.
The Constitution agonizing 98, doctrinally stated in Article 242 that the organization and functioning of the economy will respond to the principles of efficiency, solidarity, sustainability and quality to ensure the residents a life of dignity and equal rights and opportunities to access employment, goods and services, and ownership of the means of production. Then I wonder, how bad is the current Constitution to which it has been demonized as the reason for all the ills of Ecuadorians?. This country will not be strongman, in the absence of those practices that dominated the political and economic scene, exiled on charges of corruption and aged about others, looking for new leaders, and are the candidates who seek to subject the people in a historical repetition of identical events, as obtained with the birth of the Constituent Assembly will be twenty recently approved in the republican constitutions of Ecuador that have not changed anything in the eventful political life, and have achieved sustained economic growth for the benefit of its inhabitants.
is expected that the Constituent go the best, and not without sufficient preparation or fops to understand that importance and supremacy of the Constitution has in the life of the state, and hopefully also the intelligent and intuitive people know to value those valuable items and make no mistake choosing dancers, TV showmen, players or hucksters in your area are good, but are not able to arrange and design the destiny of nearly fourteen million Ecuadorians. Dr. Eduardo Caamaño
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