Tuesday, July 10, 2007

What Is The Easiest Bone In Your Hand To Break


a year ago and the Minister of Education re-elected, the distinguished Manabi, Esq. Raul Vallejo, wrote in Look magazine No. 921, that the country is going through a serious crisis of its institutions, which some call a Constituent Assembly to start all over again and others want to reform the constitution in line with the desire for change. He explained that the problems of Ecuadorians, were but a reflection of the outdated and misguided education programs that have been happening over the last thirty years without noticing the effectiveness of the same face the challenges of development and needs of the population. That is, living a day in the most significant development of the state sector, without anyone in the upper echelons of successive governments have been concerned to assess their effectiveness in initiating necessary corrective measures, worse talking of an investigation plan your impact on the population according to the needs supervening, hence the current consequences.
Minister proposes that the school must develop a program of "Civic Education" which has as its objective that the students reflect on the meaning of the law, democracy, participation (best understood as the involvement and ethical commitment to his surroundings), duties and rights of individuals. Reasons correctly the Minister when he says that schools and colleges should be organized and develop seminars, workshops or conferences, to reflect on the need to form the civic conscience of the future citizen and citizens that the country needs to go, and that for this purpose, it becomes imperative to study Article 97 of the Constitution, which talks about the duties and responsibilities of citizenship. Thereby, it becomes a matter of central importance and capital appreciation Minister activity in relation to the study of the Constitution in Article 97, therefore only summarize a few of the duties set forth therein shall quote: Numeral 3. Respect human rights and fight because they are not violates, section 4. Promote the common good and put the greater the interest; numeral 5. Respect the honor of others; numeral 6. Work efficiently; numeral 9. Manage honest public property, number 14. Denouncing and combating corruption; numeral 18. Practice the profession or occupation subject to ethics. Only with the practical teaching of these few statements appointed, we would have guaranteed a better future for Ecuador. What do you expect then Minister to implement it?.


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