In the ambiguous statements made by Dr. Victor Lozano, President Superior Court of Justice of Manabi, in the framework of the meeting with judicial, police and legitimately concerned President of the Chamber of Commerce Manta, Lucía Fernández, on the problems presented by the release of those involved in abduction cases, which according to him, "State is the great pimp and guilty," I've been reading flavored finger, and forced some unknowns that lead me to explain:
Who or what is the state? .- The state is "a fictitious person, 'and therefore subject to more rights-enforcement that rights-and obligations, which corresponds to the main essence of being a legal political organization, because of the territory and the power of the people who inhabit it. The State represents and acknowledges it in an area sheltered by a flag, an anthem, a shield, and its authors, who are responsible to issue, execute, and observe the rules of political and legal organization. Following the concept of Plato, we would say that the State is a whole that includes and unifies all forms of life of individuals. His power and authority are unlimited as its power to promote the happiness of all.
how is the state? .- The present Ecuador is a democratic, sovereign, and whose sovereignty lies with the people. Its organization and administration rests on three fundamental powers, independent of each other, namely: the Executive, Legislative and Judiciary. Judicial or Judicial power is the state body in charge of the power to administer justice by the public authority conferred upon the State to prosecute and to execute judgments in a particular subject, that authority rests with the courts and tribunals established by Laws.
how is the state? .- The present Ecuador is a democratic, sovereign, and whose sovereignty lies with the people. Its organization and administration rests on three fundamental powers, independent of each other, namely: the Executive, Legislative and Judiciary. Judicial or Judicial power is the state body in charge of the power to administer justice by the public authority conferred upon the State to prosecute and to execute judgments in a particular subject, that authority rests with the courts and tribunals established by Laws.
colleagues then, that the State is only a fictitious person who is represented by the President of the Republic by the Executive Branch of the Deputies or legislators who are in charge of the legislature, or the power to legislate and provide laws and rules for peaceful coexistence and Judges, ministers and judges that make up the Judiciary , which are responsible for administering justice in the law protected the latter, and for the effects that interest us, we must add the Public Ministry (prosecutor), an autonomous entity to the other branches of government, but closely linked to the function Judiciary is responsible for preventing the knowledge of criminal cases, and therefore conduct and promote research criminal pretrial and trial, and those who depends on who the suspects are arraigned before the competent judges, they also are responsible to monitor all stages of trial, prompting the prosecution in criminal conduct. And added to these, the Police also have the obligation to provide evidence and validated throughout the criminal process.
In the case of the accused of the alleged crime of kidnapping (obligatorily course I have to say, because otherwise it would not have been released defendants), which were released as is clear from reading the statements of Dr. Lozano , that the figure of crime admitted by the judge granted bail, implying that " State is the great pimp, guilty, which has given these policies should be. And we each stone throw us "(sic). Horror of horrors, because the law exists, articles from 188 to 190.1 of the Penal Code. And in the event that the law is inadequate, judges, ministers and judges through the Supreme Court, as provided in Article 144 paragraph 3 of the current Constitution, calls for submission of draft Act as may be necessary to correct these blunders and kits of the Penal Law.
conclusion, not the State as a fictitious person and as such be still, the pimp of the remnants judicial officials are the people in exercising their powers, they do the right thing and ordered the supreme law and the laws of the respective subjects, such as the one reported in Section 19 of the Civil Code, which provides a duty of judges undeniable , for cases when there is a lack or darkness of law, consult with the legislature through the Supreme Court to obtain a certain rule for new cases that occur. And those released say Long live the freedom that gives me the State alcahuetea to justice!.
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