Tuesday, July 10, 2007

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Pharisee ... Second Third

Reviewing the title of the article, previous delivery had talked about the concepts of righteousness and caudillos, easily associated with the political scene in which we live and the effect that these concepts are in the power of Latin American regimes, especially concerning this part of the continent, where professional politicians elected by vote at various government dignitaries of a State, have failed to return to work and actions that are directed at improving the quality of life of their constituents, who, by way of this unfairness and inconsistency, are diluted their last hope for change and trust in politicians turn to those who recognize themselves as false, interested only in personal well-being to the detriment of the collective interest and which are recognized as Pharisees (hypocrites) who practice self-righteousness (hypocrisy) in the double standards presented before and after every election.

happens then, that in this context somewhat repetitive of Latin American societies, nascent hopes and dashed hopes in the professional politicians, that the majority of their populations, a deeply rooted popular, low cultural and disadvantaged by the unjust distribution of wealth that survives in our continent, will cyclically creating leaders, leaders innate but without the proper preparation, that once in power they become authoritarian despots, that feed the discontent and resentment of the people to exercise their authoritarianism, and thus wipe out every principle of freedom which is the most precious of all human beings, destroying the law that guarantees individual freedoms, both freedom of religion as more important, "freedom of expression" that is channeled through the media, permanent and preferred target of the attack of these "neocaudillos' because of his despotism (abuse of power or authority in force dealing with others) are not interested in your ideas, actions and judgments in power, are contrasted, worse judged by public opinion, because their primary concern, is en destruir cualquier clase de oposición que atente a sus planes del ejercicio de un poder autoritario dentro de un régimen de totalitarismo absoluto. Ejemplos sobran, la cadena de televisión venezolana RCTV, prácticamente “confiscada por el gobierno del caudillo Chavez”, o el del diario La Hora en Ecuador, enjuiciada por opinar diferente que el gobernante de turno, amén de otros medios amenazados a alinearse con el pensamiento del régimen, o de lo contrario son estigmatizados con epítetos de prensa basura, periodismo amarillista, gamberros que se parecen o valen el nombre que lleva el palo transversal del mástil de los veleros, según sus propias palabras.
Y así, entre sucesos de government not to respond to planned actions, the daily Elapsed Ecuadorians, in a kind of existentialism in which are placed before the circumstances of the daily experience of objective knowledge, or what is, in a kind of practice trampled and improvised actions in the absence of rational plans validly agreed, and in this general power of improvisation has already turned into a vice of our American culture, this kind of existentialism, is a succession of different governments, caustically improvising until improvisation.
In this scenario, from time to time and scarecrows are some unsuspecting coryphaei to align with official actions, Rather inexplicably repeating analytically minded, take advantage of spaces to align media and apologist for the actions excessive, disproportionate and unfair to the 'neocaudillos', trying to justify the unjustifiable and illegal closure of TV station Radio Caracas Television Venezuela. Since these amorphous lackeys say insulted the intelligence, defending democracy. Wonder, that democracy exists where you live in totalitarianism, argues why the outrage than by the abusive and capricious interpretation of the law, you begin to do in our countries to prosecute those who believe the criterion of a country on the issues interest national.
is vital to keep democracy, living in freedom, where there is freedom of expression and press freedom, as a State may be agitated and moved by what the press say, but this state can die for what street press.


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