Monday, July 9, 2007

Can I Use Sbi Atm Outside India


(part II)

said in previous game, the right to privacy, honor, the dignity and good name, are invaluable and intangible values \u200b\u200bto each human being also explained that, at such violation of these rights suffered by all actors of society, the media have an obligation to come to play its fundamental role most importantly, objectively reporting the absolute independence, consistent with the need to be guides of society, consistent with the need to direct major preoccupations of the same and thus banishing scandalous practices because, as a journalist is not unrelated to fundamental human rights, as they are closely related to exercise ethics and respect for human rights. The demands of moral responsibility of media for what scope they have to reach the hearts and minds of millions of people every day face new challenges and demands of journalists committed to new ethical dimensions. The diatribe easy, slander and insult can never be weapons of this noble profession, if it is not possible to control at source, if you can at least curtail its spread. It is possible that those if we have exercised our right and duty to vote, and thus fulfilling choose who now display the dignity of representatives of Ecuador, are branded as rats, thieves, rascals, is that perhaps we are all rats, thieves or crooks?. Who is responsible for the honor, dignity and good name of the deputies?

In our surroundings, we note with concern justified as an attack on the honor, dignity and good name of a prominent journalist, regardless of the offense alleged to have committed, we see how others are horrified at judges the conduct of others, making clean sweep of the rules and procedures set forth in the Act and the Constitution, which in Article 16 provides: "The highest duty of the State is to respect and enforce human rights guaranteed by this Constitution." I ask, what human rights are respected when all the grotesque circus amount by which non-operating, without warrant, attacked with a video camera in hand 'abusing' the hapless journalist as if it were the worst crime in history? Who gave a seal of prosecutor, judge or deity (which very smug lady of yore will be convinced it is) to attack the privacy of others and make public the video? Do you know it, that Articles 155 and 156 of the Criminal Procedure Code, governing the authorization of the court to evidence obtained through videos? You know that person that Article 201 of the Organic Law of the Judiciary prohibits judges to process information pretrial summary or offending the honor and dignity of persons or their privacy? Do you know the amateur videographer that the Constitution protects the civil rights of the people of Ecuador and, in Article 23, paragraph 8 states "The right to dignity, good reputation and personal and family privacy, and that Law will protect the name, image and voice of the person "? Do you understand perhaps self-established judge, there is a principle of disclosure required by Article 195 of the Constitution, which prohibits the transfer of legal proceedings by the media, or recording by someone other than the parties? Are you aware that section 200 of the Penal Code provides imprisonment for two months to a year in which, without being a public employee, disclose actions or proceedings to which he has knowledge and which, by law, must be reserved?; Do you understand that section 202.2 of the Code provides that the person or persons who obtain information on personal data and then assign, publish, use or transfer any title, without the authorization of the owner or owners, shall be punished with imprisonment for two months to two years and a fine of one thousand to two thousand dollars of the United States?. Do you know that ignorance of the law does not excuse you from responsibility? Surely she did not know, and that the police did when he made the arrest, but that there are useful idiots.

In a next installment will conclude my discussion of the right to privacy, honor, dignity and good name. Dr. Eduardo Caamaño



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