Tuesday, July 10, 2007

Funnt Good Luck Speeches

REFORMS IF NOT sectarianism (Part II)

Since the entry into force of the Constitution of 98 the good initiatives on key policy reforms have been limited if not nil, and this has taken place for the existence of the famous constitutional lock groups operated at the whim of hegemonic power, bad representatives political parties in successive governments and elites disqualified aupadas National Congress, which, through ignorance and a desire to maintain their sinecures and other economic benefits for the purpose, which is the same thing, they have blocked permanently depriving the country of the necessary implementation and enforcement of necessary legislation, thereby creating not only legal loopholes, but fundamentally backwardness of the country causing the brake on development, affecting competitiveness, participation in regional markets and their integration into the globalized world in conditions that ensure the sustainable development of Ecuador and its people.

Now, this unfortunate truth, has become the best ace in the hole of the current government to the forefront to sell the idea that the country needs deep structural changes-without telling us today, and which they not be achieved but only with a component with full powers. Until then, for those who know no law, there would be nothing extraordinary, but for those if available, the constituent not justified and less total power, since Ecuador from the date of entry into force of the present Constitution until the days preceding the convening of the referendum to approve the installation of the component, has not lived a dictatorship warrant it.

I will not go to argue about it because it largely irrelevant, since the referendum approving the same and is called, what interests us here is that precisely the debate formed to determine its validity has not been a distraction but manages to sell the idea of \u200b\u200b'constitutional panacea', which is strategically as the spearhead of the force that sustains the ideas to perpetuate in power, without opposition of any kind, within a totalitarian and autocratic; advantageously sized purpose can not be overlooked and need to demonstrate it, because to do so, using as tool the threat and fear and the security forces under his command, has neutralized the National Congress, the Constitutional Court and even the judiciary itself, which now hang anodically instances the Supreme Electoral Tribunal. In the latter, you visualize a finish similar to the "yellow shirts" in the early stages of Nazism, despots who helped Hitler come to power and who once located there, he ordered their extermination in the famous "Night of Long Knives"

The country does not need fighting between Ecuador, do not need that many Acostas that have nothing to do with the banker, are stigmatized and become the target of resentful as ever, and The prosperous and Piguave Quishpe any, are considered as marginal and therefore the other contenders natural that absurd vision of the country.

The Ecuador you need is to be discussed seriously the importance of reforms urgently needed to project long-term reforms such as that access to Congress only to serve as legislators, legal professionals, with proven experience and at least a graduate degree in Political Science, Public Administration or Law to name a few. Educational reforms are also urgent in outlawing dereliction of duty for teachers and servers who do not attend health centers and rural clinics, to be implemented management audits for teachers who do not implement the third axis or cross-cutting themes in the revised Education Law, which talks about the obligation of teachers of any subject at any stage, to suspend the class of the field for five or ten minutes and log on to deal with the basic values \u200b\u200binherent in the human , teach that we should not available to the alien, you have to care for the common good as their own, to be met responsibly with personal obligations, including bringing the world only able to keep them children. Dr. Eduardo CaamaƱo

Vega - Worldbec@hotmail.com


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