Monday, July 9, 2007

How Long Does Chlamydia Stay Dormant


seems that we have come to live in a nebula, which is clearly not the way to where to go, not the path we have taken. Certainly we live in a regression, and actions arising from the different social actors become anachronistic. The best analogy that fits for comparison, is that we walk like crab, backwards.

These comments by way of preamble, are evident in an episode experienced by the rector of a higher institute of Montecristi, compared to the legitimate penalty imposed on an unruly student and reluctant to meet the requirements, rules and laws governing Asher (year of compulsory rural education service) which was under; sanction prohibiting him from participating in the graduation ceremony, and that laws did not apply because he was not concerned with her rebellious student, the exercise of any rights of incorporation to the level of teacher or the purely disciplinary sanctions resulting from an act of simple administration it will mean any imminent danger, serious and irreparable, budgets required by Article 95 of the Constitution, for submission and acceptance of amparo proposed Constitutional student against the rector and members of the executive council of the school, and, foolishly accepted the filing by the associate judges of the Court Administrative Contentious Portoviejo.

But the issue would not be so special in fact, were it not, that court proceedings in violation of Article 95 of the Constitution in force, which provides that lodged the appeal on the same day notify the authority which adopted the contested measure, and to convene within the next twenty-four hours take place in open court that will hear the parties and may if considered, suspend the effects of the contested measure to be resolved by the court of appeals suggested. Hearing in this case, was convened illegally in a strange way to say the least, one hundred forty-four hours after the action proposal and just twenty-four hours before they held the official ceremony of graduation, contributing in this way, the sanctioned student makes mockery of the principle of discretion of authority, and even worse, to make allegiances with legal institutions and organs of justice called to enforce law and order as the mentioned Court.

Regardless of the reasons that have warranted the penalty imposed, which are serious breaches of regulations and the principle of integrity of the teacher, the continuous violations of the Act to do just those who are called upon to make meet are those that motivate the rejection and censorship of citizens of the country to its institutions and authorities, and is reflected in the real sense of legal uncertainty in which we live.
Tomorrow, a member of the police force refuses to comply with a sanction imposed by their superiors, and proposes an amparo absurd attack on the principle of discretionary authority, which, as in the case narrated , is improperly handled, then, in what order and public security would be talking about?

I wonder what would have happened if instead of the fantasy action filed constitutional protection, had proposed a legitimate, in which the real damage was real and serious and even life threatening in persons, we would be waiting a month to resolve likely-considering the time for the narrated event, "but then it would not be discussing where to bury victims before the appeal is decided by the court of yore.

This is not built the country we want and we all want.
Dr. Eduardo Vega CaamaƱo


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